The value of a Top Team!

How to handle it when the business owner has to be quarantined?

  1. Take action immediately!
    As soon as you know that the manager(s) will be unexpectedly absent for a period, you have to find solutions. Don't wait and immediately get all hands on deck.
  2. Divide tasks
    The tasks that the manager does cannot simply be left out. So try to find people within your team who can take over these tasks. Is it not possible to divide everything? Then possibly contact former employees who you think would be willing to help. In such a situation, everyone wants to step up so be sure to have the courage to ask.
  3. Communicate clearly
    This is important across the board. There needs to be good communication to the replacements so they can perform the tasks as best as possible. Communication to the members is also very important. Explaining the situation well and thus keeping it up to date.
  4. Being grateful
    This can be done through really small things to show gratitude for their flexibility and commitment during such a difficult period. Thanks to them things went smoothly so saying thank you with a small gift is definitely worth it.

The value of a TOP TEAM:

Just before the second lockdown, Lise and I got the message "you tested Corona positive". My goodness, we really hadn't seen this coming and then at the same time....

What to do now?

Actually, it was mega obvious that our first mistake was to never think about this situation. Not necessarily with Corona in our sights, but what if something happened that prevented both of us from being @ Primer for a while!? Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately Giulia challenged me with this situation the week before our positive Corona test. I then started thinking very quickly and specifically what to do if that situation arose and BAM a week later it was from that. Big thank you Giu!

Based on that, I put together a list of 4 steps, 4 steps that helped me make the right choices. Especially 4 steps that helped me keep the Primer running even when we were in quarantine together.

  1. Take immediate action:
    All hands on deck, try to think immediately about the processes of your business in which you are actively involved. For us, there were a lot of them. From opening the Primer along one side all the way to guiding classes or giving personal coaching on the other.
    Make a clear list of all the tasks in which you are most involved. This is valuable for an emergency situation, but obviously mega valuable in general.
    I myself have noticed many times that I myself am the bottle neck of the Primer. So thinking about this has been mega valuable on many occasions.

  2. Subdivide tasks:
    If you have a top team, immediately start looking internally for who could take care of which tasks. If you don't have a top team yet, no worries this is the time to put one together.
    Which person, which profile goes with which task? In an emergency situation, everyone is prepared to go the extra mile. Dare to ask, otherwise you will get a no anyway.

  3. Communicate clearly:
    We have been complimented many times that our communication is clearer than that of the government. In situations like this it is very important to do the right thing as quickly as possible.
    That is, of course, to the people who are taking over a task or several tasks, but also to your members/customers. What is happening, who are they going to see or hear and why.
    Especially in a crisis situation, this is 1 of the most important topics across the board.

  4. Gratitude:
    This can be as simple as a message to have sushi delivered without anyone expecting it. People have just helped you out, now show 'em some love. It may "cost" you something here and there if you go a little further, but the return from that action(s) is priceless anyway.

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