Three Van Oostjes putting their minds to something, that creates sparks!

How does a Saturday afternoon work @ Primer?

All the classes are done, but Primer is open until 9pm on Saturdays, what happens in that time?

Mostly all sorts of things happen. Administrative tasks, building new things, repairs, cleaning, etc. A Saturday is so varied, but there will always be something to do. Saturday is also the ideal time to come and hang out or shop in the Booty'k, so there is always a lovely cozy atmosphere.

Usually the Lucci walks in to see what his next project will be.

This was also the case last Saturday, the project of raising the bar stool (more on this later). Expansion in space was coming anyway and we had to make an efficient choice to close / heat up, so suddenly everything came a little faster than planned.

I thought I could just quickly put 1 insulation panel straight and therefore asked my sister and our father (the Lucci) for help.

A quick try and soon we noticed that it was really impossible. The panels were very large and especially very heavy, so it was really impossible. We pondered for a while, tried some other options, but in vain. Since we Van Oostjes do not give up and are really hard workers, there had to be another possibility.

There were some strong guys training @ Primer (that happens sometimes) and they were more than willing to help, blissful that us knows us atmosphere that hangs here.

With the help of these 2 bears, the plates went up like nothing, so we just kept going until everything was fully erected. After the installation of the plates we cleaned everything and BAM 100m2 extra for primer.

Afterwards I myself said a few times 'what have we just done? So that's what happens when you let three Van Oostjes loose on a Saturday afternoon. In the meantime we had some wonderful quality time with the sister and the daddy.

A big thank you to everyone and everything that we can and may do this!

Want even more Primer? Be sure to listen to our podcast STERK WERK for similar content like our EP2: Instant productivity boost or EP13: Sport skippen VS Schermtijd struggles. See you soon! 

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